Business Results of Galenika in 2020: Business Growth, Preservation of Employee Safety and Consumer Trust

Business Results of Galenika in 2020: Business Growth, Preservation of Employee Safety and Consumer Trust

Belgrade, January 27, 2021 – In 2020, Galenika has recorded constant growth in all segments of its business. On the Serbian market, the company increased its sales by 19% compared to 2019. Over 2020, Galenika grew more than 50% faster than the market, which additionally strengthened it in the stabile second position in terms of share in the pharmaceutical market of Serbia. The direct result of the new vision and business strategy resulted in the opening process of 6 new markets, while Galenika is already actively present in 10 international markets in the EU, Middle East and Africa, where it increased sales by 68%.

Over 2020, Galenika registered four new products for the Serbian market, and two in the EU market. In addition, the registration of 22 new products is in the process, while in the first half of 2021, 4 new products are expected to be released to the market. Galenika’s Institute for Research and Development is in the final phase of developing two new products, while in strategic partnership with a sister company from Brazil – EMS, it is working on technology transfer of several products from the new generation of generic drugs. Additionally, in 2020, production is increased by 4% compared to 2019.

In the field of digitalization, Galenika has already entered the transformation of Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing with the implementation of the Internet-of-Things in production. In addition, in integration with one of the most advanced resource plaanning solutions SAP S/4HANA Cloud, an innovative B2B platform has been implemented enabling customers to purchase through the latest digital experience, anytime, anywhere. Also, a project for the Businesss Intelligence & Advanced Analytics platform has been launched to help the company obtain information for faster and better strategic and operational decisions.

„We marked the past year by generating positive values through maintaining traditional trust and quality, as well as further modernization of the company. The commitment that Galenika’s team has invested in all processes is a clear illustration of the company’s determined focus on a healthier and better future. Because Galenika and its employees have been guardians of health for 76 years, and we intend to be in the years and decades to come“, said Ricardo Vian Marques, General Manager of Galenika.

In order to further improve business efficiency and environmental protection, through investment projects, Galenika in 2021 plans to increase energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions by a further 25% compared to the current level of emissions.

Significant energy and resources have been invested in socially responsible projects, with a focus on those of national importance. An online platform, „Hello Twenties“, has been launched to educate young people about healthy living habits. A large humanitarian campaign „Pink October“ was organized on the occasion of marking the International Month of the Fight Against Breast Cancer, within which all gathered funds were donated to the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia. Finally, thanks to its innovative business philosophy, Galenika recognized the importance and supported the exhibition „Love is Love: Wedding Bliss for All by Jean Paul Gauthier“ organized by the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade, which in these challenging times, provided citizens with responsible and safe consumption of cultural content, as well as bring the cultural scene in Serbia one step closer to the world trends.
