“HELLO TWENTIES” – A Safe Space for the Challenges of Your Twenties

Your company is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the region. Why did you choose to focus on supporting the prevention and preservation of young people’s health?
Young people are a vulnerable group facing many decisions and challenges. Despite being considered adults, they still have to gain their life experiences. When we launched Zdravo dvadesete, we wanted to create a space for young people where they could receive reliable information on health and prevention and provide them with support on their journey of maturation. We leveraged our expertise and collaborated with 12 specialists who worked on creating an e-guide covering health areas relevant to young people. One of the topics addressed is mental health, and that is why we found an ally in CEZAM, offering young people across Serbia the opportunity to sign up for free psychological counseling.
A national survey conducted by Zdravo dvadesete earlier this year revealed that fatigue is perceived as the main problem for 39% of young people, while depression and anxiety are issues for 23%. How do you interpret these results?
According to the research, almost a quarter of young people in Serbia are facing some form of mental health challenge. Respondents noted that factors such as lack of sleep, too little time for themselves, stress, and similar issues affect their quality of life. From this, we conclude that young people are very aware when it comes to recognizing the problems they are dealing with. More than half of the respondents said they would gladly seek professional help if they realized their mental health was affected. Around 30% turn to a close person or friend, while just over 20% do not seek help from anyone.
Young people feel pressure from all sides – whether it’s university, job hunting, or the expectations of family and peers. During the holiday season, when families come together, this pressure can intensify. In such moments, it’s important for young people to set clear priorities and recognize what matters most in their lives. When they are unable to determine this on their own, it’s essential for them to have professional support.
How do you think support for the mental health of young people will reflect on our collective future?
Young people are the drivers of society and change, and their actions in the present and their way of life in youth can impact their future. Being young is not easy, but it is crucial to highlight the importance of prevention and maintaining both physical and mental health, as this is the foundation for their future steps. Today, it is no longer taboo to visit a psychologist or psychiatrist, and societal circumstances are changing, which previously prevented people from seeking professional help. It has always been the case that when we have a toothache, we go to a dentist, or when we can’t see well, we visit an ophthalmologist. However, when we experience inner anxiety, we often thought it would just pass, that it’s a temporary feeling. We know very well that this doesn’t always have to be the case, and I’m really pleased that young people today are very aware that these feelings don’t always disappear on their own. Healthy young people make a healthy society because today’s twenties are tomorrow’s forties, fifties, and so on.
The interview was published in the magazine and on the “Nedeljnik” portal on December 25, 2024.