Galenika – Humanitarian Pink Action in the Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Galenika – Humanitarian Pink Action in the Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Belgrade, September 30, 2020 – Galenika is organizing a big donor activity for the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia (IORS) regarding the Month of the Fight Against Breast Cancer. Namely, the company decided to donate 10% of the income from the sale of Pantenol cream in October, as well as to allocate its funds and double the amount of donation to this important national institution, to support its work and conditions of treatment of patients coming from all over the country.

As a responsible company that supports and initiates humanitarian actions and actively promotes prevention and a healthy lifestyle, this October Galenika is focusing its attention on supporting women and the health system of Serbia. Every customer of Galenika Pantenol cream are directly contributing to the great humanitarian action during October 2020 with Galenika.

In the Republic of Serbia, every year, about 4,600 women get breast cancer, while every eighth woman who faces this disease unfortunately loses the hardest battle. It is the most common form of tumor, but when is detected in time, it is curable in 95% of cases*. Detected early, this insidious disease is completely curable. To be detected in time, breast cancer is a topic that needs to be discussed more often and more transparently. It is important to note that each individual can and should take part in raising awareness of the importance of the prevention.

„Galenika has been actively promoting the importance of health and the importance of prevention for 75 years. Our „Pink Humanitarian Action“ in October provides an opportunity for all citizens to make an active contribution to improve the working conditions of an important health institution in the Republic of Serbia. At the same time, we want the topic of breast cancer to be the focus of the entire community, because the fight against this vicious disease, which affects the female population, is an important predictor of a healthy future for the entire nation. Women are a special force of our society, an engine that drives countless processes. In Galenika, we highly value this strength, and for this reason, women are the component of this campaign. Providing support to women is always important, but especially in October, which officially represents the Breast Cancer Awareness Month.“ – said Jelena Stojanovski, Marketing Manager in Galenika.

As a prevention of malignant diseases regular examinations are recommended after the age of 40, and screening mammography is the gold standard for early detection of breast cance for women in the target population (50-69 years). The main goal is early detection of this disease. According to the data for public health of Serbia ‘Dr Milan Jovanović Batut’, 946 breast cancers have been detected since the beginning of screening in 2019. The standardized incidence rate per 100,000 women is 71.6, while the standardized mortality rate per 100,000 women is 20.7. Prevention has a huge public health potential and is the most effective approach in controlling malignant diseases.

In the jubilee year, Galenika have presented numerous activations and projects. In early June, Pantenol cream, ointment, solution and oriblets got a new visual identity, but the well-known recipe that has existed for more than 60 years has remained unchanged. In this way, Galenika, respecting tradition and quality standards, is keeping up with time, following market trends, and responding to the needs of the target population.

* Source: Institute of Public Health „Milan Jovanović Batut“.

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